Persecution Proved from Decrees of General Councils and Writings of Celebrated Divines to be an Essential Doctrine of Popery

According to the Scriptural marks of the predicted Roman Apostasy, the Babylonish Harlot of the Apocalypse, is the following:- “And I saw the woman DRUNKEN WITH THE BLOOD OF THE SAINTS, and WITH THE BLOOD OF THE MARTYRS OF JESUS” (Rev. 17:6). The whole history of popery is a commentary upon the truthfulness of this description, that history is written on the fabric of time with lines of blood, compared with the butcheries committed against holy men and women by the papal anti- Christ, the persecutions of the pagan emperors of the first three centuries sink into comparative insignificance.

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The Apparitions of Mary at Lourdes in France

Each year approximately six million people pilgrimage to the shrine at Lourdes where Mary is venerated.  The celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the claimed apparitions of Mary at the site took place there in September 2008.  The climax of the festivities was the Pope’s presence to worship Mary and honor the young peasant girl, Bernadette Soubirous, who was alleged to have heard directly from Mary. 

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Idolatry in the Evangelical Camp - Pictures of “Christ” or the Glory of God?

It seems as if most denominations use Warner Sallman’s “Head of Christ” painting, or images like it. These pictures obviously are acceptable images of “Christ” for modern Christians. But in the light of Scripture, can they really be excluded from falling under the Second Commandment?

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Papal Rome and the European Union

The Vatican has been the most powerful institution in Europe, and although its influence declined at the time of the Reformation, it has made a significant recovery in the past two centuries. The Protestant nations of Europe that were religiously, politically and economically freed from a totalitarian Roman Church seem now to be blindly returning to her yoke.

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The Passion of Christ - Mel Gibson’s Vivid Deception

We live at a critical time in the history of the church. Seldom in ages past has idolatry been such a threat to the church. We call this movie a blasphemy against Christ. Is this accurate? The dictionary defines blasphemy not only as profane or contemptuous speech, but “any remark or action held to be irreverent or disrespectful.” We will present the reasons why such a movie is disrespectful to Christ, and is a deception and blasphemy against God.

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Sola Scriptura and the Early Church

The 16th century Reformation was responsible for restoring to the church the principle of sola Scriptura, a principle that had been operative within the church from the very beginning of the post apostolic age. Initially the apostles taught orally but with the close of the apostolic age, all special revelation that God wanted preserved for man was codified in the written Scriptures. Sola Scriptura is the teaching; founded on the Scriptures themselves, that there is only one special revelation from God that man possesses today, the written Scriptures or the Bible.

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Salvation: God’s Graciousness in Christ, and the Roman Catholic Doctrine of Justification

The precise import of the term “to justify” is clearly seen in that it is the exact opposite or contrast to the term “to condemn.” “It is God that justifies. Who is he that condemns?” (Romans 8:33-34)Condemnation is not a process by which a good man is made bad, but is the verdict of a judge declaring a man blameworthy. Now just as to condemn a man is not to infuse evil into him, but declares him guilty, so justification does not infuse goodness into a man, but declares that he is just. Justification is that formal sentence of the Divine Judge whereby He pronounces the believer before Him righteous.

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Reaching the Catholic with the Gospel

I had great difficulties as a Catholic priest in listening to evangelists in my fourteen years of searching for the true Gospel. Christian radio programs continually told me the amount of things I had to do to “accept Jesus into my heart.” Christian tracts likewise told me the amount of dedication or commitment I needed in order to make a “decision for Christ.”

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Reaching Catholics with the Lord’s Love

On October 14th 08 in Stornoway, on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland, I had the privilege of addressing many be- lievers on the above topic that I treasure greatly. The Isle of Lewis is known for the revivals that took place there in times past. A distinct characteristic of those revivals, and of all the revivals that took place in the 300 years of strong biblical faith in Scotland, was witnessing to Catholics.

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A Denial of the Gospel and the Righteousness of Christ

While apostasy is predicted in Scripture, it still comes as a shock to see it face-to-face.  The apostasy seen with the Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation in October 31, 1999, regarding “The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification” was called “a milestone in Christian history.”  It was also known as “the end of reformation” along with other similar statements of acceptance.

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Forgiveness Through a Priest

Sins are forgiven as people believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. “Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.”1  In believing on the finished work of the Lord Christ Jesus, a soul has both one hundred percent right standing with God credited to him and the forgiveness of sins.

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Mother Teresa—A Lost Soul?

If you research the influence of Mother Teresa, you will find that it is worldwide. In many different languages you will find books, magazines, articles, DVDs, CDs, and even concertos made to honor her and to praise her work she performed for the benefit of humanity. Some Christian pastors refer to her life as an example of Christian living. The unique aura that surrounds the person and work of Mother Teresa makes it difficult to truly analyze her life and beliefs.

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Papal Claim of Apostolic Succession

The Pope’s visit to the U.S.A., April 15–20, placed him in the limelight of his so-called apostolic succession from Peter. It is actually required in the Catholic Church that one believes in an historical continuity between the early Church and the Church of Rome. Most Catholics presume that this is an historical fact. Regrettably, many Bible believers have not really analyzed the question. Our article, which studies the authentic early Church, is one of the most important articles that we have written.

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An Overview of the History of the Catholic Church

The Papal Church is a magnificently rich, splendidly housed political and ecclesiastical power headquartered in Rome. It stands in stark contrast to what started there in the first century with some pastors ministering to small congregations. The differences are graphic.

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Pope Benedict XVI at Lourdes: A Descent into Darkness

Pope Benedict XVI visited France September 12-15, 2008, in Paris he cordially greeted a Muslim delegation and wished them “a good Ramadan”.

The Pope was at Lourdes from September 13th through the 15th where he participated commemorating the 150th anniversary of the apparitions of Mary. It is estimated that there were 200,000 Catholics attended with over 2,000 national police, not to mention the city police, the county police, the Vatican secret service, and Swat teams on roofs.

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Pope Benedict’s Address on “Faith Alone” By Miles McKee

In an address on November 19th 2008, Pope Benedict XVI reflected on the topic that is at the very center of the division between all gospel-based churches and the Church of Rome—the issue of justification, or how we accepted as just (righteous) in the eyes of God

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Rome Promotes Evolutionism, Excludes the God of Creation

To better evaluate the Vatican’s current position on evolutionism, it is necessary to know of its Project STOQ (Science, Technology, and the Ontological Quest). The Project’s publicly stated purpose is to work toward a new philosophical basis by which the integration of science and re- ligion can be traditionally understood.

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Rome’s Theistic Evolutionary Philosophy

In his October 23, 1996, address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Pope John Paul II showed himself to be the epitome of a theistic evolutionist. Concerning the origin of life and evolution, the Pope laid out the problem he would address, “How should the conclusions reached by the diverse scientific disciplines be brought together with those contained in the message of Revelation?”1

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Salvation and the Sacraments

Quite a number of people have become Roman Catholics because of the appeal of the Catholic Sacraments. It is necessary therefore to see just what is attractive in these seven signs of Catholicism and to analyze the same in the light of Biblical truth.

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Holy Communion: Spiritual Fellowship With the Lord

Worshipping God is that communion that exists in true harmony between the Creator and the creature man. Before the Fall, there were no restraints on the relationship between God and Adam. God spoke to Adam, laying out for him his duties, instructing him concerning his envi­ ronment 1, and creating a help meet for him.

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